75) Beesigamukama D., Gómez-Brandón M., Tanga C., 2022. Potential of entomocomposting towards organic waste and soil pathogen suppression. In: Huang K., Bhat S.A., Cui G. (Eds.), Fate of Biological Contaminants during Recycling of Organic Wastes. Elsevier, pp. 47-63, ISBN: 978-0-323-95998-8.
74) Gómez-Brandón M., Fornasier F., de Andrade N., Domínguez J., 2022. The influence of earthworms on the microbiological properties and extracellular enzyme activities during vermicomposting of raw and distilled marc. Journal of Environmental Management 319:115654.
73) Podmirseg S.P., Gómez-Brandón M., Muik M., Stres B., Hell M., Pümpel T., Murthy S., Kartik C., Insam H., Wett B. 2022. DEMON goes mainstream - Microbiological survey on the first full-scale implementation of mainstream deammonification. Water Research 218:118517.
72) Bardelli T., Pathan S.I., Arfaioli P., Vignozzi N., Pellegrini S., Fornasier F., Egli M., Gómez-Brandón M., Insam H., Pietramellara G., Ascher-Jenull J., 2022. Soil slope exposure affects physico-chemical and microbiological properties in soil aggregate fractions. Land 11:750.
71) Gómez-Brandón M., Herbón C., Probst M., Fornasier F., Barral M.T., Paradelo-Nuñez, P. 2022. Influence of land use on the microbiological properties of urban soils. Applied Soil Ecology 175:104452.
70) Gómez-Brandón M., Martínez-Cordeiro H., Domínguez J. 2021. Changes in the nutrient dynamics and microbiological properties of grape marc in a continuous-feeding vermicomposting system. Waste Management 135:1-10.
69) Kurzemann F.R., Fernández-Delgado Juárez M., Probst M., Gómez-Brandón M., Partl C., Insam H. 2021. Effect of biomass fly ashes from fast pyrolysis bio-oil production on soil properties and plant yield. Journal of Environmental Management 298:113479.
68) Probst M., Ascher-Jenull J., Insam H., Gómez-Brandón M. 2021. The molecular information about deadwood bacteriomes partly depends on the targeted environmental DNA. Frontiers in Microbiology 12:640386.
67) Siles J.A., García-Sánchez M., Gómez-Brandón M. 2021. Studying microbial communities through co-occurrence network analyses during processes of waste treatment and in organically amended soils. Microorganisms, 9:1165.
66) Tukanghan W., Hupfauf S., Gómez-Brandón M., Insam H., Salvenmoser W., Prasertsan P., Cheirsilp B., O-Thong S. 2021. Symbiotic Bacteroides and Clostridium-rich methanogenic consortium enhanced biogas production of high-solid anaerobic digestion systems. Bioresource Technology Reports 14:100685.
65) Hupfauf S., Etemadi M., Fernández-Delgado Juárez M., Gómez-Brandón M., Insam H., Podmirseg S.M. 2020. CoMA - an intuitive and user-friendly pipeline for amplicon-sequencing data analysis. Plos One 15 (12):e0243241.
64) Gómez-Brandón M., Aira M., Domínguez J. 2020. Vermicomposts are biologically different: microbial and functional diversity of green vermicomposts. In: Bhat S.A. et al. (Eds.) Earthworm Assisted Remediation of Effluents and Waste. Springer Nature, Singapur, pp. 150-170.
63) Gómez-Brandón M., Probst M., Siles J.A., Peintner U., Bardelli T., Egli M., Insam H., Ascher-Jenull J. 2020. Fungal communities and their association with nitrogen-fixing bacteria affect early decomposition of Norway spruce deadwood. Scientific Reports 10:8025
62) Gómez-Brandón M., Aira M., Santana N., Pérez-Losada M., Domínguez J. 2020. Temporal dynamics of bacterial communities in a pilot-scale vermireactor fed with distilled grape marc. Microorganisms 8:642
61) Etemadi N., Müller M., Etemadi M., Gómez-Brandón M., Ascher-Jenull J., Insam H. 2020. Salt tolerance of Cressa cretica and its rhizosphere microbiota. Biologia 75:355-366
60) Gómez-Brandón M., Lores M., Martínez-Cordeiro H. and Domínguez J. 2020. Effectiveness of vermicomposting for bioconversion of grape marc derived from red winemaking into a value-added product. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27:33438-33445
59) Fernández-Delgado Juárez M., Fabiani G., Mazzier T., Schönegger D., Pietramellara G., Gómez-Brandón M. and Insam H. 2020. Reclamation of acid soils with biomass ashes from pyrolytic wood liquefaction. Waste and Biomass Valorization 11:5067:5078
58) Gómez-Brandón M., Aira M., Kolbe A.R., Pérez-Losada M. and Domínguez J. 2019. Rapid bacterial community changes during vermicomposting of grape marc derived from red winemaking. Microorganisms 7:473
57) Bani A., Borruso L., Nicholass K.M., Bardelli T., Polo A., Pioli S., Gómez-Brandón M., Insam H., Dumbrell A. and Brusetti L. 2019. Site-specific microbial decomposer communities do not imply faster decomposition: results from a litter transplantation experiment. Microorganisms 7:349
56) Kitz F., Gómez-Brandón M., Eder B., Etemadi M., Spielmann F.M., Hammerle A., Insam H. and Wohlfahrt G. 2019. Soil carbonyl sulfide exchange in relation to microbial community composition: insights from a managed grassland soil amendment experiment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 135:28-37
55) Domínguez J., Aira M., Kolbe A.R., Gómez-Brandón M. and Pérez-Losada M. 2019. Changes in the composition and function of bacterial communities during vermicomposting may explain beneficial properties of vermicompost. Scientific reports 9:9657
54) Kolbe A.R., Aira M., Gómez-Brandón M., Pérez-Losada M. and Domínguez J. 2019. Bacterial sucession and functional diversity during vermicomposting of the white grape marc Vitis vinifera v. Albariño. Scientific reports 9:7472
53) Gómez-Brandón M., Lores M., Insam H. and Domínguez J. 2019. Strategies for recycling and valorization of grape marc. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 39:437-450
52) Mamimin C., Probst M., Gómez-Brandón M., Podmirseg S.M., Insam H., Reungsang A. and O-Thong S. 2019. Trace metals supplementation enhanced microbiota and biohythane production by two-stage thermophilic fermentation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44:3325-3338
51) Domínguez J., Gómez-Brandón M., Martínez-Cordeiro H. and Lores M. 2018. Bioconversion of Scotch broom into a high-quality organic fertilizer: vermicomposting as sustainable option. Waste Management and Research 36:1092-1099.
50) Probst M., Gómez-Brandón M., Bardelli T., Egli M., Insam H. and Ascher-Jenull J. 2018. Bacterial communities of decaying Norway spruce follow distinct slope exposure and time-dependent trajectories. Environmental Microbiology 20:3657-3670
49) Oliveira Longa C.M., Francioli D., Gómez-Brandón M., Ascher-Jenull J., Bardelli T., Pietramellara G., Egli M., Sartori G. and Insam H. 2018. Culturable fungi associated with wood decay of Picea abies in subalpine forest soils: a field-mesocosm case study. iForest 11:781-785
48) Schöneger D., Gómez-Brandón M., Mazzier T., Insam H., Hermanns R., Leijenhorst E., Bardelli T. and Fernández-Delgado Juárez M. 2018. Phosphorus fertilising potential of fly ash and effects on soil microbiota and crop. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 134:262-270
47) Bardelli T., Gómez-Brandón M., Fornasier F., Arfaioli P., Egli M., Pietramellara G., Ceccherini M.T., Insam H. and Ascher-Jenull J. 2018. Chemical and microbiological changes in Norway spruce deadwood during the early stage of decomposition as a function of exposure in an Alpine setting. Artic, Antartic and Alpine Research 50:1-13
46) Bardelli T., Ascher-Jenull J., Burkia-Stocker E., Fornasier F., Arfaioli P., Fravolini G., Alves Medeiros LR., Egli M., Pietramellara G., Insam H. and Gómez-Brandón M. 2018. Impact of slope exposure on chemical and microbiological properties of Norway spruce deadwood and underlying soil during early stages of decomposition in the Italian Alps. Catena 167: 110-115
45) Hellwig N., Gómez-Brandón M., Ascher-Jenull J., Bardelli T., Anschlag K., Fornasier F., Pietramellara G., Insam H. and Broll G. 2018. Humus forms and soil microbiological parameters in a mountain forest: upscaling to the slope scale. Soil Systems 2 (1), 12
44) Vela-Cano M., Gómez-Brandón M., Pesciaroli C., Insam H. and Gonzalez-López J. 2018. Study of total bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing archaea in response to irrigation with sewage sludge compost tea in agricultural soil. Compost Science and Utilization 26:145-155
43) Insam H., Gómez-Brandón M. and Ascher-Jenull J. 2018. Recycling of organic wastes to soil and its effect on soil organic carbon status. In: García C., Nannipieri P., Hernández T. (Eds.) The Future of Soil Carbon: Its Conservation and Formation. Elsevier, Academic Press, pp. 195-214, ISBN: 978-0-12-811687-6
42) Gómez-Brandón M., Ascher-Jenull J., Bardelli T., Fornasier F., Fravolini G., Arfaioli P., Ceccherini M.T., Pietramellara G., Lamorski K., SÅ‚awiÅ„ski C., Bertoldi D., Egli M., Cherubini P. and Insam H. 2017. Physico-chemical and microbiological evidence of exposure effects on Picea abies – coarse woody debris at different stages of decay. Forest Ecology and Management 391: 376-389
41) Gómez-Brandón M., Asher-Jenull J., Bardelli T., Fornasier F., Sartori G., Pietramellara G., Arfaioli P., Egli M., Beylich A., Insam H. and Graefe U. 2017. Ground cover and slope exposure effects on micro- and mesobiota in forest soils. Ecological indicators 80:174-185
40) Bardelli T., Gómez-Brandón M., Ascher-Jenull J., Fornasier F., Arfaioli P., Francioli D., Egli M., Sartori G., Insam H. and Pietramellara G. 2017. Effects of slope exposure on soil physico-chemical and microbiological properties along an altitudinal climosequence in the Italian Alps. Science of the Total Environment 575:1041-1055
39) Gómez-Brandón M., Fernández-Delgado Juárez M., Zangerle M. and Insam H. 2016. Effects of digestate on soil chemical and microbiological properties: a comparative study with compost and vermicompost. Journal of Hazardous Materials 302: 267-274
38) Fraviolini G., Egli M., Derungs C., Cherubini P., Ascher-Jenull J., Gómez-Brandón M., Bardelli T., Tognetti R., Lombardi F. and Marchetti M. 2016. Soil attributes and microclimate are important drivers of initital deadwood decay decay in sub-alpine Norway spruce forests. Science of the Total Environment 569-570: 1064-1076
37) Nagler M., Ascher J., Gómez-Brandón M. and Insam H. 2016. Soil microbial communities along the route of a venturous cycling trip. Applied Soil Ecology 99: 13-18
36) Gómez-Brandón M., Vela M., Martinez-Toledo M.V., Insam H. and Domínguez J. 2015. Effects of compost and vermicompost teas as organic fertilisers. In: Sinha S., Pant K.K., Bajpai S. (Eds.), Advances in Fertilizer Technology: Synthesis (Vol. 1). Studium Press, LLC, USA, pp. 300-318, ISBN: 1-62699-044-1
35) Insam H., Gómez-Brandón M. and Ascher J. 2015. Manure-based biogas fermentation residues – friend or foe of soil fertility? Soil Biology and Biochemistry 84: 1-14
34) Wett B., Podmirseg S.M., Gómez-Brandón M., Hell M., Nyhuis G., Bott C. and Murhty S. 2015. Expanding DEMON sidestream deammonification technology towards mainstream application. Water Environment Research 87: 2084-2089
33) Fernández-Delgado Juárez M., Gómez-Brandón M., Knapp A., Stöhr D. and Insam H. 2015. Chemical and microbiological properties of alpine forest soils: effects of pelletized ashes in a short-term trial. Forest Ecology and Management 357: 42-49
32) Fernández-Delgado Juárez M., Gómez-Brandón M. and Insam H. 2015. Merging two waste streams, wood ash and biowaste, results in improved composting process and end products. Science of the Total Environment 511: 91-100
31) Lores M., Domínguez J., Gómez-Brandón M., Álvarez-Rivera G., Llompart M. and García-Jares C. (2015) Herramientas cromatográficas en estudios de ecología microbiana. Cromatografía y Técnicas Afines. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afines (SECyTA), 36 (2): 67-74
30) Gómez-Brandón M. and Domínguez J. 2014. Recycling of solid organic wastes through vermicomposting: microbial community changes throughout the process and use of vermicompost as a soil amendment. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 44: 1289-1312
29) Schemekite F., Gómez-Brandón M., Franke-Whittle I., Praehauser B., Insam H. and Assefa F. 2014. Coffee husk composting: an investigation of the process using molecular and non-molecular tools. Waste Management 34: 642-652
28) Lazcano C., Gómez-Brandón M., Revilla P. and Domínguez J. 2013. Short-term effects of conventional and integrated fertilizer regimes on soil microbial community structure and function: a field-study with sweet corn. Biology and Fertility of Soils 49: 723-733
27) Fernández-Delgado Juárez M., Waldhuber S., Knapp A., Partl C., Gómez-Brandón M. and Insam H. 2013. Wood ash effects on chemical and microbiological properties of manure- and digestate-amended soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 49: 575-585
26) Wett B., Ahmed O., Podmirseg S.M., Han M., Akintayo O., Gómez-Brandón M., Hell M., Murthy S. 2013. Going for mainstream deammonification from bench to full-scale for maximized resource efficiency. Water Science and Technology 68: 283-289
25) Gómez-Brandón M. and Podmirseg S.M. 2013. Biological Waste Treatment (special issue). Waste Management and Research 31: 773-774
24) Gómez-Brandón M., Lores M. and Domínguez J. 2013. Changes in the chemical and microbiological properties of rabbit manure in a continuous-feeding vermicomposting system. Bioresource Technology 128: 310-316
23) Domínguez J. and Gómez-Brandón M. 2013. The influence of earthworms on nutrient dynamics during the process of vermicomposting. Waste Management and Research 31: 859-868
22) Gómez-Brandón M., Fernández-Delgado Juárez M., Domínguez J. and Insam H., 2013. Animal manures: recycling and management technologies. In: Miodrag Darko Matovic (Ed.), Biomass Now-Cultivation and Utilization. Intech Open Access Publisher, 237-272, ISBN 978-953-51-1106-1
21) Gómez-Brandón M., Lores M. and Domínguez J. 2012. Species-specific effects of epigeic earthworms on microbial community structure during first stages of decomposition of organic matter. Plos One, 7: 1-8
20) Domínguez J. and Gómez-Brandón M. 2012. Vermicomposting: composting with earthworms to recycle organic wastes. Organic Waste. In: Sunil Kumar and Ajay Bharti (Eds.), Management of Organic Waste. Intech Open Access Publisher, pp. 29-48. ISBN: 978-953-307-925-7
19) Gómez-Brandón M., Aira M., Lores M. and Domínguez J. 2011. Changes in microbial community structure and function during vermicomposting of pig slurry. Bioresource Technology, 102: 4171-4178
18) Aira M., Gómez-Brandón M., Gónzalez-Porto P. and Domínguez J. 2011. Selective reduction of the pathogenic load of cow manure in an industrial-scale continuous feeding vermireactor. Bioresource Technology, 102: 9633-9637
17) Gómez-Brandón M., Lazcano C., Lores M. and Domínguez J. 2011. Short-term stabilization of grape marc through earthworms. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 187: 291-295
16) Gómez-Brandón M., Aira M., Lores M. and Domínguez J. 2011. Epigeic earthworms exert a bottleneck effect on microbial communities throughout gut-associated processes. Plos One, 6: 1-9
15) Gómez-Brandón M., Lores M. and Domínguez J. 2010. A new combination of extraction and derivatization methods that reduces the complexity and preparation time in determining phospholipid fatty acids in solid environmental matrixes. Bioresource Technology 101: 1348-1354
14) Aira M., Gómez-Brandón M., Lazcano C., Bååth E. and Domínguez J. 2010. Plant genotype strongly modifies the structure and growth of maize rhizosphere microbial communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42: 2276-2281
13) Gómez-Brandón M., Lazcano C., Lores M. and Domínguez J. 2010. Detritivorous earthworms modify microbial community structure and accelerate plant residue decomposition. Applied Soil Ecology 44: 237-244
12) Aira M., Lazcano C., Gómez-Brandón M. and Domínguez J. 2010. Ageing effects of casts of Aporrectodea caliginosa on soil microbial community structure and activity. Applied Soil Ecology 46: 143-146
11) Domínguez J., Aira M. and Gómez-Brandón M. 2010. Vermicomposting: earthworms enhance the work of microbes. In: Insam, H., Franke-Whittle, I., Goberna, M. (Eds), Microbes at Work: from Wastes to Resources. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heildelberg, pp. 93-114. ISBN: 978-3-642-04042-9
10) Lores M., Gómez-Brandón M. and Domínguez J. 2010. Tracking down microbial communities via fatty acids analysis: analytical strategy for solid organic samples. In: Antonio Méndez Vilas (Ed.), Current Research, Technology and Education Topics in Applied Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology. Microbiology Book Series 1502-1508
9) Gómez-Brandón M., Lazcano C., Lores M. and Domínguez J. 2010. Papel de las lombrices de tierra en la degradación del bagazo de uva: efectos sobre las características químicas y la microflora en las primeras etapas del proceso. Acta Zoológica Mexicana 2:397—408
8) Domínguez J., Gómez-Brandón M. and Lazcano C. 2010. Propiedades bioplaguicidas del vermicompost. Acta Zoológica Mexicana 2:373-383.
7) Domínguez J., Lazcano C. and Gómez-Brandón M. 2010. Influencia del vermicompost en el crecimiento de las plantas. Aportes para la elaboración de un concepto objetivo. Acta Zoológica Mexicana 2:359-371.
6) Bárcenas-Moreno G., Gómez-Brandón M., Rousk J. and Bååth E. 2009. Adaptation of soil microbial communities to temperature: comparison of fungi and bacteria in a laboratory experiment. Global Change Biology 15: 2950-2957
5) Domínguez J., Aira M., Gómez-Brandón M. 2009. El papel de las lombrices de tierra en la descomposición de la materia orgánica y el ciclo de nutrientes. Ecosistemas 18:20-31
4) Gómez-Brandón M., Lores M. and Domínguez J. 2008. Comparison of extraction and derivatization methods for fatty acid analysis in solid environmental samples. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 392: 505-514
3) Gómez-Brandón M., Lazcano C. and Domínguez J. 2008. The evaluation of stability and maturity during the composting of cattle manure. Chemosphere 70: 436-444
2) Lazcano C., Gómez-Brandón M. and Domínguez J. 2008. Comparison of the effectiveness of composting and vermicomposting for the biological stabilization of cattle manure. Chemosphere 72: 1013-1019
1) Lores M., Gómez-Brandón M., Pérez Diaz D. and Domínguez J. 2006. Using FAME profiles for the characterization of animal wastes and vermicomposts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38: 2993-2996.